…but words will never hurt me

The only counter to Nationalism, is that it isn’t inclusive. That’s all they’ve got, and by “all”, I mean the multitude of begging, membership-only-costs, type websites and “institutions” that have sprung up all around the web as of late.

That’s right, for the small fee of 55 dollah a month, you can also have access to us writing a list of bad people/organisations on our .Wordpress site that only requires, what, 40mins of work…if that.

Opportunistic greed

Nationalism is not bad. Why does it have to be? Why would it be? It’s a simple concept to grasp. I love my country and culture. Doesn’t mean I can’t like other countries and cultures. Doesn’t mean that just because I think Scotland’s beautiful, I automatically think the rest of the world is ugly. Just because some stranger from a different country isn’t a part of the country I care about, doesn’t mean it’ll make them sad? Or feel left out? Or that I should care? Welcome to the cold, unfeeling reality that is the real world. And so I can’t celebrate being Scottish, just in case some random foreign man might notice me not bowing to him and his foreign customs and feel uncomfortable? Not my problem. After all, does he care about my customs or comfort? Because if I don’t slap a bagpipe into the hands of every immigrant I encounter and call them my countryman, then I may as well be attempting to drive them out of the country at the head of a rabid, racist mob? Because if I might have the gall not to care about their comfort, nor am willing to bend over backwards to accommodate them, their family’s, their problems or anyone else for that matter, white or otherwise, etc, then that makes me the bad guy?

Here’s a new and fresh idea for anyone who enters this country; grow up, have some perspective and be grateful!

That’s it. You are a minority, so maybe don’t come in expecting to get everything you want, or make unreasonable demands of the majority when you don’t. This isn’t your homeland. It is mine, and I love it more than I do you. That is entirely natural. You are owed nothing. I owe you nothing. The government let you in, brought you here, even. They’ve done enough and now it’s up to you. I don’t hate you because your foreign to me, and just because I love my country, doesn’t mean that I want you out of it. You mean nothing to me, for I simply don’t care about you. So, learn good English, follow our laws and get a job and be respectful of our culture and customs, in the same way that we would observe yours. That’s it. Be a part of the nation, and enjoy the benefits that come with that.

Because, if I went travelling in the Arab world, you better believe I would do everything expected of a foreigner. I’d not drink, I’d not swear or get mouthy with the authorities. I wouldn’t even hold my girlfriends hand. I’d shut my trap, keep a low profile and enjoy seeing a beautiful part of the world.

What I wouldn’t do is go out and accost groups of women (In this scenario Middle Eastern woman go unescorted, as is right) and demand they strip down to their underwear and pretend they’re on Ayr beach during summertime. Why? Because it’s not my country and it’s not my place to make those demands. I do not impose my cultural predujices upon others, despite, my crippling nationalism…

Simply put; they live within the rules of their society, and I live within the rules of mine. When I’m in their world, it’s their rules. That is simply being respectful of a different culture. And so, when they are in my world, they should be likewise respectful. Is that not fair? Does my nationalism hinder me from doing that?

And yes, of course we should take in migrants/immigrants. And of course, they should be allowed to practice their religions, whatever they might be. That is, after all, a fundamental, and unalienable human right! Again, they should be free to pray to whoever, or in whichever direction they so please. On this, we can all agree, I’m sure. But perhaps, and just hear me out, total tolerance of every facet of an alien religion/culture might be a little too reckless sometimes. (Don’t click that link if you have a weak stomach) I’m just saying.

So if you can just keep on reading a little longer, without getting all worked up and indignant, jumping to conclusions, or decrying me as some bigot or racist or xenophobe, then well done you. You might actually reach the point I’m trying to make.

Now, I saw a YouTube advert recently, saying something along the lines of “throughout history right wing governments have tried to shutdown the arts-”, or some such meaningless dribble.

Yet today it is the far left that is trying to shut down the arts. Tearing down statues, banning books, boycotting movies (Yet praising pedophilic ones a la that french monstrosity, you know the one) Stifling thought and opinion, censoring words, forgoing debates in favour of arguing, if not outright physical violence, and going out of their way to arrest creative thought that doesn’t align with their own way of thinking!

How is it lost to anyone, that when you stifle debate, you stop the exchanging of ideas. You shutdown the opportunity for one side to change another’s mind, or to reach an understanding. By disregarding one persons feelings entirely, you will never understand how then to help them see reason. You will never reach them if you never understand the problem in the first place. And that is the problem. You don’t actually care.

Now let me take a moment here to state this: There is absolutely nothing wrong with being weak. All that alpha male nonsense, is exactly that. Nonsense. What isn’t nonsense however, is that some people are born psychically strong, while others are born to be intelligent or witty, or creative, or fast. And some, are born to be bodily and mentally weak. That is their lot in life and that is the cards they were dealt. It is not my fault if they aren’t good at sports and it doesn’t mean that I have to have them on my team. They would be a detriment. That’s life. Being weak is fine. Acting like an infant however, is not. And yet today, the Left have embraced this infantilism. With grown adults using words like “bully”, or “bullied” un-ironically in the workplace, and throwing tantrums to get their own way when the limits of their diplomacy, reasoning or intelligence have failed them. You know, those key attributes available to all well rounded and mature adults, of which separate us from wailing, selfish little children?

Or demanding safe spaces and trigger warnings over certain words. Simple words, in written or spoken form that somehow cause the hearer to break out into a PTSD fuelled flashback like some jaded Afghan war vet returning back to Civie-street after witnessing his buddies being torn to shreds in a rocket-propelled taliban ambush! Words can’t hurt you. Grow up and stop being pathetic. The weaker you become, the easier prey you become when you step away from your computer and your social media, and mince out into the real world where people aren’t so kind or accommodating to your unique brand of reality. The real world doesn’t care…

…And yet, I’m the wrong’un, for simply having love for my country?

Have compassion, you’re a regular mother Theresa, good for you, so what? But who gives you the right to demand anything from me? To demand I give a damn about your causes, or demand that I don’t care about my country more than I do about yours? I’am a nationalist through and through, and yet, for all your virtuous crusading, you give about as much of a damn about anyone else as I do. I’m just more honest.

And this is the problem today. I can’t write that I don’t care about random strangers because it becomes loaded the moment I mark them as not of my own. That is how the far left then craft a rebuttal. Through the lens of race. It’s their one and only tactic. When the simple fact is, I don’t care about you, and I don’t care about the Third World, or the Middle East, or Europe or North America, or south America, or even Africa for that matter. And why is that such a bad thing? Think about it. You don’t care that for every second you’ve spent reading this, a wee starving African baby has just died. You don’t care one bit about the homeless person you pass on the street. You pass him and he’s forgotten as you begin to wonder if you should pick up bread on the way home. You forget all about the anguish that poor African mother feels as yet another of her defenceless children dies of starvation the minute you flick the channel over, or check your phone to see if your perfectly orchestrated attention seeking Instagram post got enough likes so as to not be an embarrassing failure. You do nothing more.

For caring about those things is such an utter sham, a socially obligated eye roll inducing display of human compassion, that we should all just come clean and admit that the only things that truly matter in this life is our immediate family and earning money. Nothing more.

Note: if you’ve been offended by anything I’ve written thus far, just remember this rhyme, aptly for nursery-aged individuals: “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me

See, if a man wants to wear a dress? More power to him. I don’t care.

If a woman wants to become a man. Live your life and do so in a way that makes life worth living. I don’t care.

If I saw a homosexual being beaten in an alleyway, I’d help. Because I care. Not about him being gay, but because I’m not a bad person. I just don’t care.

If you want to mince around and call yourself they/them? Go for it. I don’t care.

You have your life and I have mine. If you demand that I change my life to accommodate yours. Guess what…I won’t. Because, that’s right…I don’t care

About you, who would balk at all I’ve written thus far. You and I both know all you want is attention. Because attention gets you influence, and influence gets you money. A hollow, hand-to-mouth existence only sustainable through the manufacturing of outrage at monsters of your own creation whose strengths you build up knowing fine well where to strike to bring them down. A weakness masquerading as strength. Ignorance as virtue. A cheap victory against no odds you didn’t already calculate, when all around the world people, men and women alike face far harder trials than cat-calling and chat up lines. Your power is fuelled by a narcissistic personality devoid of humanity and rewarded for going after targets whose existence presents no danger. You fight against those you deem monster, and so face no threat as a result. You are a greedy, lazy little opportunist, nothing more.

And so you go after nationalism, simply because such a thing is so nebulous and abstract a concept, that there is bound to be those who do bad whilst espousing it. You cast a dredging net and lift dolphins with the sharks. As unfeeling and unscrupulous to the planet as commercial deep trawling fishermen.

You are a charlatan.

I’am a nationalist.

Nothing more.

Cinead MacAlpine.

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